The purpose of this page is to provide some basic information about Systemic Constellations, highlight some reading and research for those who wish to investigate further. Also to supply updates on workshops that I will be facilitating in the future and information on how to register your interest in attending.
If you wish to return to, or view, the main site please click here
If you would like information on an upcoming workshop click here. For further reading and resources click here
What are systemic constellations?Systemic constellations are not easy to explain. Mapping techniques are used to reveal the often unseen dynamics of human relationships, interactions and systems. Their use is becoming increasingly common within organisations to reveal professional relationship issues that arise within the workplace and that often stem from our family upbringing.
A way of looking at an issue from a different perspective, uncovering the underlying root causes of particular problems and providing you with a 360 view of what’s happening. We also call it an x-ray of the situation. In many cases providing solutions or guiding you (the client/coachee) to the next steps to find a solution.
There are two ways to experience a constellation session:
Join a small group where under the guidance of the facilitator and after a very short interview, the person that would like to take a look at their issue will pick people from the group to represent; colleagues, feelings, objects or family members and will observe how and what comes up.
The aim isn’t always to get to a resolution but to have clarity of what might be taking place. This is a great way of looking at what goes on in our family system, the loyalties (sometimes hidden) and repeating patterns that we carry being part of a clan. Whether you are a representative or the person wanting to explore your issue, the experience is very rewarding.
If you decide you’d prefer a one-to-one session, we’ll use objects instead of people to represent areas of your life. You’ll get to step into each part of the puzzle/map, feeling and seeing it from that perspective.
Facilito constelaciones individuales y en grupo, para problemas personales o de empresas usando Nuevas Constelaciones Familiares y Constelaciones Sistémicas.
Each workshop focuses on a specific topic. The sessions involve some informal teaching because I believe that for changes to take place, we need to know what needs to happen and what it’s the reasoning behind these decisions. Afterwards, it’s up to everyone to choose which way they want to go. Handouts are included for you to take notes.
I will facilitate at least two constellations. During these sessions you will be able to participate as a resource or the person that would like to share their issue (also called the issue holder). Please note that issue holders will be selected at random.
Seats are allocated when you purchase the tickets. Random seating is not allowed at these events as it is essential people are seated as per their ticket number so that they can reap maximum benefit of the constellation work.
Upcoming Workshops
Where, When and Booking
Currently, due to the uncertainty created by COVID-19 and lockdowns, I am running workshops via Zoom - for more information please contact me directly. Email
- WhatsApp
- Phone
Future WorkshopsIn the coming months I will hopefully be running workshops with the following subjects:
Blended Families
Parents and Children
Not having a partner
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Resources and Further Reading
Brigiite Champetier de Ribes
Coco – Walt Disney and Pixar
It didn’t start with you - Mark Wolynn
Your Resonant Self – Sarah Peyton
Games People Play – The psychology of Human Relationships – Eric Berne, M.D.
Invisible Dynamics – Systemic Constellations in Organisations and in Business – Klaus P Horn / Regine Brick
Systemic Coaching & Constellations – John Whittington
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